Key trends to keep in mind when building a spiritual business in 2022

As we move deeper into the Aquarian age, new trends are beginning to emerge within the business arena. These trends will be with us through 2022 and beyond. In this article I share three trends I am personally very excited about and have begun implementing in my own business. Plus I share practical tips and solutions for how you can begin integrating them into your business, too.

But first, let’s set the scene. 

The Aquarian age, which began coming online in our collective consciousness in late 2020, is about diversification, resonance and the reorganization of the larger population into smaller, more aligned groups and collectives. This means more magnetism to the ‘right’ people, less playing into a larger narrative, and more alignment with what works for us as individuals. 

In addition, the lunar nodes, which shifted into the signs of Scorpio and Taurus in early 2022, are sparking an inclination toward a deeper, more intimate kind of connection with ourselves and others. The nodes will carry this influence for approximately two years, until late 2023.

How is this playing out? More alignment with the technologies that feel good and meaningful to us, a craving for deeper connection, and an active movement toward co-creative endeavours.

Here’s what this looks like in terms of overall business trends:

Trend number 1: Relationship Marketing

All marketing is relationship marketing at its core. However many are currently feeling the pull away from the quick and dirty fad of social media, to align with age-old marketing techniques that are rooted in solid customer service and relationship building. Think referrals, re-signs and establishing a solid reputation as a trustworthy service provider who co-creates true and lasting change alongside their clients. Keep your focus on nurturing your existing client base and building solid networks, and you're on the money.

Here are three ways to approach relationship marketing in your business: 

  1. Say hello. At the end of the day, people are people, and they are humans before they are clients. Let your past, current or potential clients know you care by reaching out with a quick “Hi, how are you?” for no other reason than that you were thinking about them. Not to sell anything, not to follow up, but simply to let them know they mean something to you, and you care.

  2. Encourage referrals. The likelihood of engagement and purchase is much higher when consumers come to you through people they know. Make it easy for others to refer their friends and associates by setting up a referral program or sending a message to past and current clients asking if they know of someone who might benefit from your work. Be clear about what offers you currently have available, and emphasize what them making a connection for you would mean to you.

  3. Implement a resign strategy. Retaining clients is more efficient than constantly seeking new ones. If you do not already have a re-sign strategy in place, look for ways you can logically link clients from one offer to another, or open a gateway where you invite them to continue working with you once the current contract has ended, assuming it remains and energetic match. It is also worth assessing your offer suite to ensure a natural progression that allows your clients to continue working with you through multiple phases of their journey.

Trend number 2: Intimacy and Authenticity

After the last two years of pandemic havoc, now more than ever people are craving real and authentic connection in all areas of their lives. This includes anything they invest their time and money in, such as yourself. Similar to relationship marketing, think depth and quality over surface level appearances or quick fixes. Make sure you're 'all-in' no matter what you do, and don't do anything half-hearted. Apply this principle to your marketing strategies, how you structure your offers, and generally show up in your business, and you'll build real and lasting satisfaction for both yourself and your clients.

Here are three ways to foster more intimacy in your business:

  1. Be selective. An authentic business is not just about making money. It is about relationships and service first and foremost. Set the stage for authentic and fulfilling exchanges by choosing to work only with the clients who light you up, you feel a genuine connection with and know without doubt you can help. This paves the way for massive client satisfaction, re-signs and genuine satisfaction and energetic engagement on your part as a service provider.

  2. Assess your offerings. Authenticity and intimacy requires vulnerability. Vulnerability can only come from a foundation of safety. Review your current or intended offerings for any tweaks or adjustments that will a) help you feel more engaged and aligned with what you are offering and b) hold the container with more integrity. Reduced client numbers, clearer guidelines and boundaries, or the addition of more live touchpoints are all ways you can create a more secure and intimate container.

  3. Do the inner work. The safer you feel in yourself, the safer the space you are able to create for your clients. To get there, set aside regular time to dive deep into your own fears, limitations and judgements. The more comfortable you become with these shadow aspects of yourself, the more comfortable your clients will be revealing the same to you. This leads to greater trust, intimacy and deeper, more lasting results.

Trend number 3: Co-creation

As we find greater harmony within, this is reflected in our outer world. No longer is it just about one “guru” leading the many, doing all the heavy lifting or getting all the credit. It is increasingly about revelling in the co-creative synergy of the one mind. When you allow yourself to be supported and uplifted in co-creation with others, you are freed to be in your genius. And this means you are no longer weighed down by the stuff that isn't really yours to do, space opens for your magic to truly shine, and you can say hello to more joy, efficiency and appreciation.

Here are three ways to integrate co-creative approaches into your business model:

  1. Hire a Virtual Assistant. You don’t need to do it all. In fact, outsourcing the things that weigh you down opens up exponential space to do more of what you love and are truly good at. You don’t need to go all in to start with. It can be as simple as hiring someone for just a couple of hours a week. Simply think of the one thing you repeat time and time again in the course of a week or month, that can just as easily be repeated by someone else, then go find someone to do it!

  2. Invite someone to assist you. If you are running an event, training course or retreat, consider inviting a resonant client or friend to help you. Ask them to take care of some of the logistical elements in exchange for attending the event or training for free. They’ll enjoy the privilege of behind the scenes access, more time with you, plus free attendance at the event, and you’ll have invaluable support for any tasks or incidentals that would otherwise take you out of your zone of genius.

  3. Own your value. The key to a balanced and harmonious co-creative endeavour is two or more people who are able to meet each other as equals. The more you know and validate your own area of expertise, magic and the unique message you have to share with the world, the more you will genuinely call in the individuals and opportunities that are a match for you. Then, it’s full power ahead with podcasts, summits, and shared launches, as you build community and share your magic on a wider scale.

So there you have it! A summary of the collective movements sweeping through business and how YOU can implement them into your business to not only stay on top of the trends, but potentially well ahead of the game.

If you are currently looking to build your business in alignment not only with your own heart, but the collective trends that are sweeping through humanity, so you can become a magnetic match for your Soulmate clients and the people you are here to help, apply for your free Dream Biz Clarity Call here.

These no-obligation, free calls are for purpose-driven women with a huge vision on their heart and mind. We’ll dive deep into where you’re currently at in your business, where you want to be and identify 1-2 key blocks keeping you from accessing your full creative power as a woman and sharing your voice. You’ll walk away crystal clear on the next steps you need to take to align with your Soul mission, build your business for impact and share your heartfelt message with the world.