One of the hardest things about being in business can be being seen - showing up and advocating for your product or service, and the benefits it brings. 

I know this to be true for myself & the majority of my clients. Many of us would prefer to hide away, and have people just show up on our doorstep (hand up over here!).

But this doesn't build relationships. And it doesn't get your services in front of the people who need to hear about them.

Sometimes we avoid visibility because we don't feel confident enough at our craft & we're afraid to let people in…

Sometimes we don't have the words we need to speak clearly about what we do - without feeling "pushy," salesy or like we're over-promising…

And sometimes we're confused about what visibility ACTUALLY is (when it's not all flashy photos & going live on social media 24/7)…

All of which can make it out to be something more (and scarier!) than it actually is or needs to be.

So, I thought I'd share Four Common Myths that could be keeping you from visibility & getting the kind of meaningful exposure that connects you with more of the people you are here to help.

Myth #1: It has to be grand scale - it doesn't

At its core, visibility is just about getting in front of the right people - and ideally in a way that feels meaningful to them. Sometimes this can look like going live on social media. And sometimes, it can be as simple as a well-timed message in the DM's when you reach out to someone you'd love to work with & think might be a fit. Or, feeling confident and clear enough in your message that you're able to succinctly explain what it is you 'do' when out and about meeting strangers at social or networking events.

Myth #2: It’s all about live videos and fancy social media photos

Forcing yourself to show up on screen (or according to the algorithm) when it’s not for you, will not have you feeling any more seen or heard. In fact, it might leave you feeling even more overlooked than before. Imagery is not the only way of making a point. Words can paint a picture, too - as can podcasts, PDF’s, and so much more. Find your “thing” and run with it. Not only are you likely to feel more seen and heard when you do, but you're more likely to stay the course & keep showing up, which is just as important when it comes to visibility.

Myth #3: You need to reach as many people as possible

Numbers count, yes. But what's more important is reaching the right people. A pointed message that touches the heart of your ideal client & helps THEM feel seen, heard & understood will go a lot further (and be more likely to inspire action) than a general message that reaches many, but is quickly scrolled over. Part of being visible is getting honest & clear about who you are, who your people are (and are not), so you can truly speak to those who are here to learn from you.

Myth #4: It’s all about outer action & showing up

Visibility is energetics first and foremost. If you're afraid of what other people might think, this can lead to subconscious guarding that keeps them away. When this is going on no amount of "showing up" or putting yourself out there is going to override the underlying energetics that are keeping you from being truly seen. Instead of all the "busy work," do the inner work to address the lingering fears, doubts & self-sacrificing tendencies keeping you stuck in a loop so you can take the actions that really matter.

If you've been falling into any of these, please know you are not alone. Visibility is something we continue to work on over the years, and it's never too late to show up & go a layer deeper.

At the end of the day, it comes down to the relationship you have with yourself & how willing you are to advocate for the value you offer.

And the stronger and more connected you are to yourself & the real-life impact of your work, the easier (& more rewarding) it will be to get in front of the right people for you.

If you’d like to talk about how I can help you be seen in the way that feels right for you, so you can reach the people you’re here to impact, reach out & let’s chat.

Three ways to receive more in business & in life

As a caring professional it can feel so easy, natural and fulfilling, to give to others. Even if we know the importance of filling our own cup, when it comes to giving to ourselves, it can feel a lot harder. And if this happens in overload, or a long period of time, we can end up exhausted, burnt out, and unable to serve our clients in the way we most desire to, while our personal development, dreams and fulfillment get left on the backburner.

If we want to give in a sustainable way, where we remain stable, grounded, and resourced enough to give authentically to others, we must master the art of receiving.

Receiving is essential, especially when it comes to service-based business. Without a wellspring of resources (both inner and outer) to draw on, we cannot authentically give to others. Giving and receiving work in tandem; the more we allow ourselves to receive, the more we have to give - and vice versa.

Receiving comes naturally to us. It is part of our authentic make up. Except most of us have not had healthy receiving modelled to us, and this has led to an amnesia around what receiving looks like and how to do it. Layer on top of this all manner of limiting beliefs, ideas and programs, from society and our ancestral line, and we likely find our capacity and willingness to receive further impaired.

Thankfully, it is not so difficult to shift up our relationship to receiving.

In this article, I outline three practical techniques for increasing your capacity to receive in life and business, so you can begin to experience what it looks like and show up as a fuller, more expanded version of you.

  1. Tend to your own needs first.

Now this one’s thrown around a lot. It’s the age old ‘put your own oxygen mask on first’ adage, and may be easy to dismiss at first glance. However there are many levels and nuances to the ways we take care of ourselves that do make a difference.

There are four essential levels on which we have needs. These are: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If one of these levels is missing or left untended, it interrupts the flow of energy in our channel and our life, which impacts our ability to receive.

Let’s break these down:

  • Spiritual - can look like feeling connected to a deeper mission, sense of purpose or ‘Why’, as well as a Source that is greater than you.

  • Mental - can look like cleaning up your mindset and any thoughts, beliefs or perspectives that are limiting you from making the moves you desire to make in business or in life.

  • Emotional - can look like ensuring that you are energetically filled up with loving intent, that all parts of you are being allowed to be seen and heard.

  • Physical - can look like eating well, sleeping well, staying watered, and moving your physical body in ways that feel nourishing and supportive to you.

Take a moment now to pause and reflect on how well you are tending to each of these four levels of wellbeing in your daily life. Is one being tended to with more ease than another? How might you bring more love and awareness to the one’s that need it most?

If you work from home, are you taking a break for lunch and making sure you feed yourself in the same way you would if you're working for someone else? Do you have friends, colleges or family members you can reach out to for support when you need it?

Make a plan to increase your self care in just one area of your life, and stick to it until it becomes a habit.

On a very practical level, ‘putting your onw oxygen mask on first’ translates to making sure you are fed, clothed, watered and loved up (to the best of your ability), before tending to the needs of others.

Where feasible, you can quite literally change up the order of your tasks and activities to suit. For example, meditating, exercising and tending to such basic needs as eating and getting ready for the day, before picking up the phone to respond to a friend in need, or checking on client emails.

When you are well resourced to begin with, you are much better able to respond to the needs of others ​around you, ​while ​​holding your ground. ​

2. Sit with it just a little bit longer

As a kind-hearted, open and compassionate individual who truly cares about the wellbeing of others, it can be tempting to want to give away what we receive, and share it with others, almost as soon as we receive it.

However, if you first pause and take a moment to fully receive it for yourself - on all four levels of your being - it will become part of who you are. Then you will be able to give it away without any cost or detriment to you because you’re resonating at the new frequency.

So next time you experience something positive, see if you can stick with that desirable feeling longer than you ordinarily might, before distracting yourself or diverting attention elsewhere.

Here’s a few examples of how this might apply:

Insights and aha moments

Ah, so you’ve received that magical moment of breakthrough, the rush of insight, the incredible aha moment. When this happens it’s so tempting to want to rush off to share it with others, and make sure everyone has access to the magic you’ve just discovered….

But before you do, can you just sit with it just that little bit longer? Allow it to marinate, to sink into your bones, receive the medicine, breathe it in, and let it become a part of you? Before you go plastering it online, can you be sure you've fully integrated it into your life… and then go about sharing it?

The same goes for that life-changing book, resource, or speaker you’ve just discovered. By all means, share the love, but before you do, can you allow yourself to marinate in the joyful magic of your discovery?

With income and money

The same goes for your bank account. The next time you receive an influx of cash or extra bonus in your paycheck, can you hold it in your account for an extra hour or two, or even overnight, before you spend it? As tempting as it is to purchase the next thing on our wishlist, the one we’ve been waiting ages to buy, this often does not serve our growth in the way we might like it to. Instead, can you stretch your comfort zone and sit with the money in your account a teeny bit longer, before making the purchase and discharging the energy?

Often, when something desirable happens (think: receiving a compliment, positive feedback, an unexpected gift, a new idea, new client, testimonials, the joy of a beautiful sunset or meal) it can push at our limits of receiving. The longer you can be with and 'normalize' the feeling of expansion, without needing to discharge it, the more your nervous system will calibrate to, and be able to hold, this new level of receiving.

3. Take your own medicine

Your medicine is there for a reason – it’s literally yours to take. It’s for you, first and foremost. If there is a technique, practice, modality or process you advocate for in your client work, and even more so if it's a signature approach, make sure you’re incorporate it in your own life, too.

Yes it’s a case of practicing what you preach, but more than that – it’s about letting your medicine feed and stabilise you, so you’re fuelled up and ready to go.

For example, one of the practices I recommend to my clients when they are in a place of stretch speaking their truth or posting on social media, is to call their energy back from that post or conversation. And then to see their words touching into the hearts and minds of the people who need to hear them, in the way they need to hear them.

Because I can also get stuck in the fear of what others will think, or saying the wrong thing, I use this practice myself, too. It helps me reclaim my energy and set the tone of my field at the level I would like it to be, and this is what I emit.

This is what your medicine does - it steeps you in your truth.

So whatever practices, approaches or rituals you use in your client work, be sure to incorporate them into your daily routine, structure, ritual or ways of being and doing in the world. The more often you are immersed in the magic of your own medicine, the faster you will rise and the more the resonance of your field will attract those in need of your medicine. Walking, talking and breathing your authentic truth is so much more magnetic than any “top 10 tips,” teaching tool or technique will ever be.

At the end of the day, receiving more in business means first receiving more of you. Then your life naturally opens up as a reflection of how deeply received you are.

  • Where in your life do you feel contracted, or and as though you could be more of you?

  • How can you intentionally create space for any suppressed or contracted parts of you to come through and be seen, heard and valued more fully?

  • How can you open the gateway to receive more of your true essence in every area of your life?

As you create this space to receive more of you, you will become a fuller, bigger, more embodied, expansive and abundant version of the self you know yourself to be. And this will naturally be reflected back through the lens of your business, and in every way and area in which you experience your life.

Before you go, I'd love to know what resonated most for you from this article. Take a moment to drink in its medicine, and even comment below, before carrying on with your day.

If you would like to explore how staying true to yourself and receiving more of who you are, can lead to increased abundance and satisfaction in all areas of your life - business included - reach out.

Each week I make available a limited number of free 1:1 discovery call’s where we will get together and envisage how it would look to become your most abundant and beautiful self, in all areas of your life.

With love,

Jessica xo

Why you need to know your values if you want to be a leader

Most heart-felt leaders and service providers know that to be effective and ethical in their role, they need to stay in integrity with themselves and others.

While integrity itself is important, in my opinion it is not integrity alone that keeps us on track and in connection with ourselves and others. That comes, in large part, from knowing and living according to our unique set of personal values.

As a leader, you are going first. That means you need to be able to make your own decisions and take action of your own accord. Your values help you to do this. They support you to live in integrity with yourself and remain strong and true to who you are, regardless of the circumstance and irrespective of what others around you might be doing or saying.

What are values anyway?

Values are the qualities or ways of being that feel most important to us and are integral to who we are as an individual. They help to inform our decisions and behaviours, and are part of what gives rise to our unique and authentic expression.

Some examples of common values include: honesty, compassion, playfulness, pleasure, joy, devotion, vulnerability, growth, self-discipline, balance, adventure, security and freedom.

Our values are not just activities we enjoy or areas of life that are important to us. Rather, our values are the qualities of being that are essential to who we are as an individual, without which we do not truly feel like ourselves.

When we do not know our values, it is easy to become overridden by the ideas and opinions of others. If we take action or blindly follow the advice of others, without first checking in on what is most important to us, we can lose connection to our self and end up heading down a path that does not truly align or feel right for us.

Our values are the guideposts that help us to act in accordance with our truth, and stay on track with what is right for us as an individual - and as a leader.

One way to assess your values is to ask: What qualities or principles are you simply not willing to compromise on? What qualities, if you were take them away, would leave you feeling inauthentic or no longer like yourself?

Another way is to imagine yourself 10 years from now. See the vision of who you are and how your life has unfolded. What is important to this person? What qualities do they embody? What standards of living or ways of being do they uphold and maintain?

To help you make the connection between your values and your role as a leader, here are three ways your values can support you in your leadership:

1. Who you are and what you represent as a leader

​Part of being a leader is being confident and secure in who you are. This comes, in part, from having a strong inner compass that guides you in all moments, and being the same person behind closed doors as you are in public. When these two levels are congruent, there is a feeling of cohesion and sincerity to who we are, and that gives rise to confidence.

For many people there is a disconnect between who they feel themselves to be on the inside and how they act on the outside and the life they are living. This creates a sense of insecurity and uncertainty due to a lack of authenticity. We feel shakeable, rather than unshakable.

Even with the best of intentions, if you do not know and live your values to the best of your ability, you will find it hard to trust and believe in yourself. This can lead to a ​feeling that something is ‘off’​,​ ​even if you don't yet know what that is, ​or ​lingering sense ​​that you are a fraud and really the person you make yourself out to be - both of which give rise to a ​gnawing sense of instability ​and uncertainty ​that erode​s​ your confidence and ability to show up powerfully as a leader.

​​Our values are meant to be present both internally and externally. When these two levels are congruent, there is a feeling of cohesion and sincerity to who we are.

To show up confidently and consistently across the board, you must know who you are and what is important for you​, and act in accordance with this​.​ You must match the inner with the outer, and your help you to stay connected to what is important to you, how you ​want to ​show up, and ​ultimately ​what you become known for.

​​For example, if joy is one of your values and you are not authentically seeking joy in the challenges of your life as much as the high points​ and good things​, you ​are like​ly​ ​to ​feel out of integrity with yourself​ and this does not bode well for your confidence as a leader.

​When you choose to live with joy, and bring this into all areas of your life, regardless of circumstances you create a level of consistency and stability that ​grounds you into your experience of yourself. You know you can rely on and trust yourself to live authentically and in accordance with your values.

​When you take consistent action based on your values, you build up a level of self-trust and confidence that cannot be shaken​. You will come to trust yourself as a ​person and a ​leader​, ​feel more confident in who you are and what you have to offer, and those who resonate with ​what you represent ​will ​be drawn to you as a leader. ​​

​Repeated over time, action taken made with the value of joy in mind eventually gives rise to a life that is steeped in joy. What you have built on the outside, is a reflection of who you are on the insid​e, and becomes part of what you are known for by your community​.

2. Decision making

As a leader you will be faced with many decisions, some of which you may need to make on behalf of others or a group of people. When faced with two or more options, our values help us to choose the path that is most aligned for us. They give us a lens to see and assess our decisions through.

With clear values in place, the decision-making process is simplified. Imagine that one of your core values is health, and the decision in front of you is likely to detract from your personal definition of health. Knowing that you have a core value of health in place makes it so much easier to take the life-giving decision, and not just the easy way out.

In the same vein, if one of your core values is passion, the most authentic choice for you will likely be the one that evokes the most passion. Your value of passion becomes a gatekeeper or guidepost that helps to keep you on track with what is real for you and ensures you are living in integrity with your innermost truth. ​This is how you ensure you honour and stay in alignment with your inner truth, even as you navigate the outside world.

Our values can also help us to navigate, and even rectify, situations that have gone awry.

A few months ago a situation arose within a group container I was facilitating. One of the participants was navigating a challenging experience which escalated, in part, due to a lack of integrity on my part, and ended up impacting everyone in the group in some way or another. As the leader, I was called to lead us through it.

My instinct was to schedule a follow-up call where we could get together and unpack what had happened, and talk through any question or concerns. It would also be used as a teaching tool where I could to highlight how and why I had chosen to navigate things the way I had. It was a leadership training after all, and what better way to model authentic leadership than in real time?

However, my mind had other ideas. It told me that what I felt called to do was unnecessary, I was creating a problem out of nothing and no-one else cared as much as I did, anyway. “You’re making it all about you,” it said.

I turned inward and asked: What sort of leader would I like to be? It was immediately clear. I wanted to be a leader who was not afraid of making mistakes, was transparent, and took radical ownership of my part in situations that arose. My core values meant I wanted to lead with honesty and integrity, and to honour what was right for me, as much as anyone else.

We went ahead with the meeting. Along with the time for participants to voice their questions, concerns and learnings, and I had the opportunity to model the sort of leadership I wanted to stand for. It ended up being a valuable experience for all, myself included, and each of us walked away feeling more complete, uplifted and connected than before the situation had even arisen.

As it turned out it was only my ego, doing its best to protect me from potential danger and ridicule, that had tried to talk me out of leading with the honesty and transparency that is so important to me.

Next time you are faced with a decision, whether in a moment or crisis or simply deciding what option is right for you, refer back to your core values and ask: What is important to me? How do I want to show up in this situation? Then see how you feel about moving forward.

3. Designing your offers

A sustainable business that feels authentic and satisfying for you is one that is built by and steeped in your values. This includes your marketing message and voice, systems, structures, policies, and the design and format in which you choose to deliver each of your offers.

Clients often ask me whether it would be wise for them to set up an evergreen offer that is available for purchase 24/7. On the surface, the idea seems like a no-brainer: you create a readily accessible way of helping people, don’t have to repeat the work over and over again, and open up a potentially limitless income stream. So, why not?

Surprisingly, the answer is not so clear cut. It is unique for each person and making the decision that is right for you comes down, in large, to knowing your values and ensuring you are honouring them in everything you do.

When met with the evergreen question, I tend to respond by first asking: What are your values? What is important to you? And how does an evergreen model fit within your value structure?

What many people quickly realise, is that the model does not in fact light them up. Many of my clients hold core values such as connection, intimacy, depth, transformation and vulnerability, and an evergreen model often does not align with these values.

With that said, this may not be the case for everyone, or every offer. It comes down to your values and the promises you’re making with your offer. Some offers may well be transferable and able to be delivered within a short, repeatable evergreen framework. Often this is the case when values such as time, freedom, family or accessibility are at the fore.

At the end of the day, your business model and the design of your offers needs to sit easily with you and light you up in a way that can only come from living authentically and in alignment with your values. When an element of your business does not, it is unlikely to ever bring you the degree of satisfaction and success you hope it will - no matter how much you’re able to justify it on paper.

​Clear values are foundational to your leadership. They give you strength and help you to know and remain true to yourself as you grow as a leader​ and in your business.

Take some time to tune in and identify the 3-5 core values that truly represent who you are and what you wish to stand for. Then commit to living them on the daily. ​Doing so consistently, from the inside out, will transform your sense of confidence, connection to your value, and integrity as a leader.

If you would like some help identifying your core values and developing your vision and offers around your authentic expression, I invite you to book a free 1:1 Dream Biz Clarity Call with me.

In this call we’ll dive deep into where you’re currently at, where you want to be, and what is holding you back, as well as what it might look like to work together on developing your vision so you can step forward confidently into your leadership.

2 Energetic Trends to watch for in 2023 and beyond.

We are influenced by our surroundings as much as we influence them, if not more so. This includes the planetary systems in our skies.

Recently Pluto, the planet of transformation, death and rebirth, has moved into Aquarius* having spent the last 14 years in Capricorn. And later this year, in July, the lunar nodes will shift signs from the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, to Aries and Libra.

Whether you understand Astrology or not, the interconnection we have with all life means these shifts will have an impact on your life - they impact all of us - and in turn how you choose to show up in your life and business.

In this article, I take a look at two key energetic trends to keep an eye out for, along with an exploration of how each may look as it flows into form and takes shape in our personal and business lives.

Trend One: Transparency and authentic connection

Aquarius rules science, technology, humanitarian ideals, communities and natural gravitation we feel toward people with similar interests to us. Its polarity is the heart-centred energy of Leo, which supports us to live in accordance with our hearts truth and authentic expression and attract the right-fit communities to us.

With Pluto moving through Aquarius we will be exploring themes around power, particularly when it comes to technology and the online space, and within our communities. Pluto strips away all that is no longer organic, and with this transit will be asking us strip away the masks, to be real and transparent, and allow our hearts to truly shine.

As a leader, it is your job to radiate your heart's energy, so your authentic heart-felt tribe can find you. At the same time, you must allow yourself to be guided and gravitate toward those communities that are supportive and nourishing to you.

Are there any networks or communities - in person or online - that no longer feel true and authentic for you, or you don’t feel fully seen and expressed? If so, what are not yet fully admitting to yourself or others? What do you need to embrace so you can come out of hiding and experience the connection you’ve been longing for? Give yourself permission to speak up and honour what is right for you so you can be seen and liberated into the truest version of you.

Alongside the calling of the heart to authentic community, Pluto in Aquarius asks us to take a look at our relationship with technology itself to ensure we’re interacting from a heart-centred place. Perhaps we will remember that the virtual world, which became such a necessity in the years of pandemic, is not the only way of doing things.

Online has it's place, but it is not a complete substitute for the authentic in-person heart to heart connection we all need. Coming back into balance may call for a shift back toward the value of grassroots community, and building from the ground up.

And for those aspects of our lives (and businesses) that remain online, it’ll be the new heart-centred systems and platforms, focused on serving people first, which will thrive.

How this might show up in practice:

  1. From online to in-person. Within this energetic lies the potential to come back to the value of meeting and connecting with each other in-person. Have you been feeling called to create community and networks, or develop connections in your local area? Is there a workshop you've been wanting to host? If so, now is the time to answer the call.

    Connecting in person is often less threatening than showing up online, and a powerful way of developing the confidence, courage and basic foundations you need to effectively build your business. The seeds you sow here, in in-person community - and wisdom you receive from connections made - may just be the magic that eventually gives rise to your core business.

2. Prioritise connection. Have you become so caught up in the systems, admin, and mechanics of your business that you've lost connection to your 'Why'?

Developing a web of friends, coaches, mentors, like-minded community, and support staff is an important part of building your network and ensuring you never feel alone in what you do. Staying connected to a community of support, both online and offline, will support you to stay on track with your heart’s truth and the initiatives that matter most to you.

Be sure to take at least one bold, heart-centred step (such as showing up online, sharing your heartfelt message, connecting into your heart with ritual, or reaching out to a client or mentor you love) each and every day, and look for ways to delegate or simplify the dry, boring tasks that sap you of your joy. Minimising time spent on repetitive, system-focused tasks will help you stay lit up and focused on what it is you truly love to do.

3. Unplug to plug in. How connected do you feel, as a whole and grounded human being, to the Earth and to nature? As a visionary individual with a plethora of new ideas, insights, inspiration and advanced perspectives you are itching to bring to Earth, it is important you take time to ground them into reality first. Your human body is the conduit between Earth and Sky, the highway that allows these new ideas and consciousnesses to channel into form.

While social media and the online world are one way of expressing your ideas and inspirations, it isn’t the source of them - you are. The more connected you are to your human body, the more you will open this highway to flow.

Closing down the laptop, turning off social media, and stepping out into nature where you can connect with the frequency of the Earth and the presence of your physical body is absolutely key to this process.

When you clear your field by stepping away from technology and attune yourself to the frequency of nature, you open yourself up body, heart, mind and spirit to receive the advanced downloads and inspiration that will one day form the basis of a whole new world.

Trend Two: Breaking away from the crowd

The second trend is a shift away from the one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter systems that have kept us “in check” and on track, toward greater individuation and confidence in ourselves and our unique direction as individuals. This trend activates on 17 July when the North Node moves into Aries and lasts for about 18 months.

Aries is all about doing things our own way and forging a new path forward. However, this level of individuation can only occur if we simultaneously resolve the old ways in which we have preferred to blend into the crowd, quietened ourselves down to keep the peace, and may not always have listened to or trusted our instincts about what is truly right for us.

For our unique voices and authentic inner direction to rise up, the prevailing cultural narrative of quick fix step-by-step processes promising a guaranteed route to success, must die away. This does not mean doing away with your own or others' processes altogether, it just means making sure they are open and flexible enough to address and meet the needs of the person or circumstances in front of them.

While many step-by-step processes do serve an important role in helping to break down complex concepts and key steps along the way, they become problematic when they do not meet the needs of the individual where they are, or they are touted as the one “right” way to achieve a desired outcome. When this happens they can be limiting or even harmful to the individual, or don’t allow us the opportunity to move beyond our current frame of possibility into the realm of infinite potential.

We are being invited with this transit to trust our inner knowing and the “I am that I am” within us, so we can find our own way - while helping our clients to do the same.

How this trend might show up in practice:

  1. Practices and processes. How much do the processes you facilitate with your clients open space for their inner knowing, personal experience, and unique perspective to come forth? How much are you allowing for their own voice to be heard, not just yours? See if you can structure your exercises and teachings to allow for your clients to have their own direct experience. This can look as simple as integrating open-ended questions, journal prompts that invite them to reflect on how what you are sharing is relevant to them, or asking for feedback and reflections as you go.

  2. Speaking your truth. Is there something that you’ve been holding back on speaking because you're afraid of upsetting the status quo? Libra tries to maintain peace, whereas the new energies in Aries will be asking us to boldly step forward and speak our truth. Speaking up about what is really for you as an individual helps to set you apart from the crowd and showcase your unique gifts and perspective. What are the bold new ideas or edgy takes on a well-known topic you’ve been longing to speak up about? What is the unique approach you take with your work, but haven’t yet been brave enough to share? Identify the new direction that is wanting to come through you, and find the courage to speak up and speak out, so you can be known as a leader of the new way.

  3. Put yourself first. It’s a common misconception for many people that putting themselves first is selfish. The truth is we need to take care of our own needs first; it’s only from the overflow of our own cup that we are able to authentically serve and give to the people around us. If there is anywhere in your business where your energy has been feeling low, or you’ve been sacrificing your own needs and happiness to show up for your clients and community, now is the time to cut those habits loose.

You do not need to tolerate anything or anyone just to make money. To make sure you are truly on track with your individual needs, I recommend taking a regular inventory of your business. Scan your mind through all your offers, price points, clients, timeframes, schedules, content and commitments to be sure every element is lighting you up, and you are 100% all in. If anything feels a little heavy, lacklustre, or out of sync, put yourself first and commit to working it out until it feels good to you before going any further.

This doesn't necessarily mean you'll let go of the factor in question, but an important tweak may need to be made so you can truly serve from an overflowing cup. For a list of questions to assess how aligned your offers are, click through to read the article “Three low-risk ways to get your offers out and start building now.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of possibilities. It barely scratches the surface of what might become possible for us as we work with these energies, but it is a gentle pointer toward just some of the themes we may encounter during these transits.

As Pluto and the Lunar Nodes shift signs, take this opportunity to see if you, and any aspect of your wider leadership, is being invited to shift as well. Regardless of the transit, the best rule for navigating any change is simply to stay true to your authentic self as it emerges in the moment. Serving from the voice of the heart will always lead to greater joy, harmony, and success in all areas of life.

Found this article helpful? Let me know here what resonated for you, or request to go on the list for future editions.

*It’s just a brief three month touch in for now, before he regresses back into Capricorn later this year. He settles back into Aquarius for the long haul, early next year.

Four ways to connect powerfully with your audience

Many early-stage spiritual entrepreneurs and healing practitioners face a common challenge when it comes to creating meaningful content that resonates for with their audience. Whether for social media, blog content, email newsletters or otherwise, fears about what others might think, saying the ‘wrong’ thing, or whether anyone is listening or not, are common, and can leave many well-meaning practitioners going around and around in circles, never quite getting to the heart of the matter or what it is they want to say.

Messaging is the foundation of any business. It’s how you convey the value and potency of what you do to the people who matter. It’s how you connect with potential clients, call those who align with your services, and become a point of influence. When fear causes you to hesitate, go all over the place, or water down your message, this can lead to a struggle getting the traction you need to grow your business.

If you’ve been struggling to find your voice, here are four ways you can amplify the power of your message to break through that fear and get yourself heard.

1. Say what you mean, like you mean it.

Don't hold back on speaking your truth. If you want to deliver a powerful message that hits home and inspires change, get straight to the point and say what you really mean to say.

Many lightworkers, healing practitioners, and spiritual entrepreneurs fear rejection or hold limiting beliefs that what they have to share is not valued or desired. So when it comes to putting their content out there, they tend to water it down in an attempt to please everyone instead of getting straight to the point. When you try to please everyone, you please no one.

Instead of trying to say what you think you ‘should’ say or hope will be accepted, try tapping into the ideas you really want to share and don’t hold back. A bold, targeted message that speaks to the right people will inspire action, and action creates change. If you find yourself going in circles, trapped in uncertainty or never quite getting to the heart of the matter, ask yourself: What is it I truly want to say?

Then say it with minimal editing, explaining or justifying. Being so direct may feel intimidating at first, however, you’ll ultimately find it liberates you and draws your real community to you.

2. Speak directly to your ideal client.

In business, the idea is not to speak to everyone, it’s to speak to your ideal client. These are the people who are specifically suited to your area of passion and expertise and will benefit most from what you have to offer.

When you deliver your message with your ideal client in mind, it naturally magnetizes your most authentic, heartfelt community to you.

Many of my clients fear that if they are too specific, they will exclude people and their pool of potential clients will decrease when in fact the opposite is true. Again, when you try to speak to everyone, you speak to no one. In the same way that a water pistol targeted to a focused stream will travel further than one set to a broad spray, so will your message carry further and hit the mark more powerfully when it’s aimed toward a specific audience.

To speak directly to your ideal client:

Know their true needs and desires - what is it they are struggling with; what is their biggest challenge or frustration? What would do they believe would solve everything? What is their dream come true? Know these factors inside out through your intuitive sense combined with market research, then incorporate them into your message.

Don’t be afraid to include terms that are specific to your area of interest (but not jargon that may not be understood). These may not hold much meaning to those outside your niche but are instantly recognizable to your ideal client. For example, my clients and community likely already resonate with the term “alignment” long before they come across my work.

Be sure to voice things in their words. Connect with your clients and community. Find out what is going on for them, how they would describe their situation and what it is they desire, then weave reflections of this into your messaging to be sure it resonates

3. Don't be afraid to go against the grain.

One of the most powerful things you can do in your messaging is to bring a new idea or perspective into the mix, especially if it’s one that isn’t particularly popular or commonly spoken about in your industry. Challenging or breaking down commonly accepted standards in your industry is a powerful way to set yourself apart from the crowd and stand out as someone with unique value to add.

Although it can feel scary to speak your truth, especially when it goes against the grain of mainstream thinking or current industry standards, doing so in alignment will your truth will distinguish you from others in your industry and begin establishing you as a thought leader in your realm of expertise and passion.

As an example, one of the messages I love to share is that I believe in transformation first, business and strategy second. And that transformation takes time - it’s not a quick-fix solution. Although the idea of taking the time to dig in deep and do the transformational work that will reveal one’s true purpose and calling may not appeal to everyone, it’s often the answer my ideal clients have been looking for.

To identify what and how you do things differently, ask yourself: What is something I see happening in the industry or community that doesn't sit right for me? What do I believe instead? What approaches have I tried that didn’t work out for me, despite looking promising to begin with? What did I end up doing instead?

The thing you have been holding back on or are too afraid to speak openly about is likely the secret sauce that will elevate your messaging and make all the difference in the lives of your ideal clients. Find it, then be confident enough to share your unique way of doing things at any given chance.

4. Be authentic.

Building trust and relevance with your audience as an authentic and embodied leader requires that you share from your lived experiences.

Sharing your authentic story of transformation - what you have overcome and the achievements you have made so far - helps to position you as an expert and showcases the transformation you are able to assist your soulmate clients with. Your story highlights the changes that are possible for them if they choose to work with you. At the same time, it builds trust and helps to make you more accessible to your audience.

In an over-commercialized world, true authenticity helps to break down the invisible barriers and pedestals that can prevent us from connecting with ourselves, each other, and those we are here to help. Stories connect us. They open us to our shared humanity and make it easier for potential clients to understand and lean into the power of what we have to offer.

One way you can do this is by establishing a collection of brand stories that capture the essence of what you do in words.

To do this, think back to some of the more significant moments or turning points in your journey. Who were you before these moments? What did you believe then and what were you struggling with? What was the key lesson or learning that changed things and how did it shape the person you are now? How does what you learnt then, inform what you have to offer or how you approach things now?

Once you have a series of clear brand stories laid out, use them as content in your marketing and teachings to help demonstrate your point of view and the type of transformation you help others co-create.

When you commit to showing up authentically, and speaking your ideas truthfully and directly, you’ll find that your message will resonate with the right audience. Focusing on reaching those who are within your niche rather than the world at large will help you to break through the barrier of fear that can hold you back, and call your community to you.

If you would like support finding your authentic voice, your core values, message and perspective, as well as identifying the 3-5 key brand stories that illustrate your unique approach as a leader, I am available for intimate 1:1 sessions where we deep dive into the blocks that are keeping you from sharing your unique approach with confidence and precision.

To find out if we are the right fit for each other, register for your free, no-obligation 30-minute discovery call below.

4 Easy Ways to Grow Your Business Right From the Start

When early-stage spiritual leaders, teachers, healers, and coaches first start out in business, they often try to do too much too fast. Whilst some schools of thought might appeal with the allure of making your first $10K right away or scaling to six figures within three months, for most, this is neither realistic nor sustainable.

To run a viable service-based business where you have the capacity to serve both your clients and the growth of your business long-term, you ideally need to start slow and steady. This is especially so in the early days of your business when you may still be putting all the pieces in place and coming into full alignment with your mission. Once there, you can think about expanding exponentially.

But first, be like the tortoise, not the hare.

Take it easy and give yourself time to acclimate to your new path. When building a new home, the foundation is always laid first. Then, the floors, walls and ceilings are added to create a stable home that stands the test of time. In business, it works the same way. Laying solid, well-thought-out foundations will allow your business to grow with ease and withstand any ups and downs you might face in the future.

It may not feel like a lot is happening in the beginning, but it will pay off in the long run. This is especially so if you, like many of my clients, have a fear of speaking your truth, standing in your power, or being fully seen for your brilliance. When this is the case you will need to give your nervous system extra time to adjust to ensure you don’t inadvertently sabotage yourself by becoming completely overwhelmed.

Here are four easy ways that you can apply the slow and steady methodology to grow your business from the beginning, and set yourself up with the sustainable foundations for long-term success.

1. Developing Your Offers

In the early stages when you are still developing your unique body of work, there’s often a practical process that you must walk through to truly tap into the needs of your clients and the depth of your thought leadership. You will want to make sure your process, program, or methodology is covering all the bases necessary to ensure your clients get their desired results and outcomes.

If you have a fear of speaking your truth or being seen on a larger scale, you may find that attempting to birth out a full body of work straight away will be too much for your nervous system to handle. It's often better to start small and work in stages. Breaking down your larger vision into achievable, less overwhelming sections allows you to clarify and anchor your approach, whilst testing its effectiveness at co-creating real change in the lives of your clients.

For example, if you desire to run a 12-month program but this feels impossible, unbelievable or currently out of reach, start by breaking it down into sub-sections taught in smaller six-month, three-month, or even six-week blocks that stand-alone as individual offers.

If you ultimately desire to run a weekend, week-long or international retreat, you could begin with a two-hour workshop on the same topic, giving you the opportunity to build confidence and experience in your area of passion and expertise.

Don't overlook the offers that are available to you right now just because you ultimately have a bigger vision in mind.

When I first started my business, I was trained as an Angelic Reiki Master Teacher. I had everything I needed to facilitate weekend workshops and they were very much in demand. However, I was so fixated on my larger vision that I never took advantage of this opportunity. Instead, I stopped teaching Angelic Reiki for over a year to focus on my own endeavors, before coming back around.

When I eventually went back to teaching Angelic Reiki, these workshops ended up serving as a powerful platform for building my network, sharing my message, and ultimately, funneling a number of clients back into my core business - which is all about helping lightworkers to hone their message and speak their truth so they can step up in service and leadership. I learned that small and steady ultimately opens up the gateway to larger possibilities.

Don't overlook the steps and opportunities that are available and right there in front of you now. They may well be the bridge that leads to your most desired outcome.

2. Pricing

Many early-stage entrepreneurs start out charging far too little. Once they realize there's no cap or limitation on what they can charge, they often swing back the other way only to charge huge amounts of money in the hopes of making up for everything they have missed out on previously. However, they have not necessarily come to an equal level of belief in their ability to earn this amount of money, or they use it as an attempt to prove their worth.

Unfortunately this only ends up perpetuating the existing inner belief that they are not worthy, no one wants their work, or they will only be worthy at a certain income level. The truth is the price tag of your offer is in no way linked to the value of who you are or what you have to give. Pricing is distinct from who you are as a person, and is instead related to the value you provide through your services.

Your price is something that can increase over time in alignment with your experience and level of expertise.

I often guide my Angelic Reiki students to start out with a price they feel comfortable and confident with, and make it available to a limited number of people as an introductory offer. I then suggest they review their price point once they have delivered the introductory sessions. They often feel much more confident by this point and are able to comfortably increase their prices by up to 50% or even 100%. The difference is that they now truly believe in the value of what they have to offer. Because of this, they're able to attract buyers at the new price point rather than starting out so high they cannot possibly believe anyone will pay it. Confidence in your pricing is vital.

Begin lower, steadily increasing your pricing, and always make sure you have boundaries in place. Set an agreement with yourself as to when you will review and increase your pricing.

3. Hiring Support

People often believe that hiring support in your business means committing to hiring a full-time or even part-time employee. This can make the possibility of help feel completely out of reach or just not realistic for early-stage entrepreneurs. However, you can hire small, you can hire early, and it does not have to break the bank. I have found great success and relief by hiring help for very simple and specific tasks that were time-consuming and draining to my energy, and it has not cost a lot.

It’s absolutely possible to hire help early on in your business.

When I hired my first social media assistant back in 2020, her job was to place my personal quotes into branded tiles. It cost me less than $2 USD per tile, but it saved me over 20 minutes each time, plus the stress and energy involved. I couldn't believe the feeling of relief and expansion such a small investment could create.

Now I have someone helping with my social media and assisting me with my monthly blog - yep, the very same one you're reading. It's a comparatively small investment for the amount of time, space, support, and growth that has opened up in return.

Don't put it off. Sit down and take an inventory of the recurring, repetitive tasks that drain your spirit. Choose one and commit to finding help. My bet is it won’t cost anywhere near what you think it will and the shift in your energy will be exponential. Whilst your greatest gift probably does not include the day-to-day running of a business, there are many out there whose gift it is. Give them the opportunity to help, so you can focus on serving your clients.

Talent websites such as upwork.com or fiverr.com, where you can find affordable experts to take care of simple tasks, are great places to start. Automated transcription services such as rev.com are an excellent way of recording social media posts, blogs, and emails, that are then turned into text - so you can take care of business whilst out for your morning walk, saving you time, energy, and double handling.

4. Marketing Strategy and Platform

There’s a lot of advice out there as to what the best marketing strategy or approach is. As a result, it is often easy for early-stage entrepreneurs to make the mistake of putting too many eggs into too many baskets. This can create stress, overwhelm and confusion around what is and isn’t working.

Every platform has its own algorithms and idiosyncrasies that must be learned. If you try to focus on too many at once, especially in the beginning, you’ll only end up wasting time trying to grasp the techy stuff, when you could be serving clients. You’re already learning a lot in the early stages of your business. You don’t need to overcomplicate it by trying to master every marketing method at once.

Pick one strategy or platform, and master it.

I recommend choosing just one marketing approach or platform to begin with, whilst continuing to fine-tune your message and offers in the background. Learn what you can about this method while growing and getting to know your community. If, after 3-4 months of consistent effort it’s not working, then it's time to think about adjusting. Be sure to give it a solid shot; if you don’t, you won’t really know if it has or hasn’t worked.

My bet is if you focus your energy on the one platform or strategy that feels most easeful and authentic to you and continually nurture and refine it, you'll get some good results. Once you feel solid with what you have, it’ll be so much easier to translate this into new avenues. The repurposing of content can come a little way down the track once you have a solid foundation and a tried and tested message in place.

The key message in all of this? Set yourself up for success by keeping it simple in the early stages of your business. It is so much more fruitful - and encouraging - to accumulate a series of small wins that build your confidence, rather than setting yourself up with unrealistic goals or spreading your energy in so many directions you no longer know what is (or isn't) working.

For the rare entrepreneur, speedy growth might work, but it can also lead to burnout, mistakes, and losing touch with the people you are here to serve. When you give yourself the time and permission you need to put the pieces in place, your business will be all the more likely to stand the test of time and allow you to do what you are truly meant to do; serve.

Need help?

Each week I have a limited number of free Dream Biz Clarity Calls available for spiritual leaders, teachers, healers, and coaches who are ready to share their message, clarify their offerings, and lay the solid foundation that will allow them to step up into leadership and speak their truth with confidence and precision.

Three Low-Risk Ways To Get Your Offers Out There And Start Building Your Business Now

Do you have a big vision for your business? Perhaps you feel a sense of purpose or mission in your heart, but you just don’t know where to start. In the early days of business it can be easy to allow procrastination, overwhelm, and all manner of excuses to stop you from showing up for yourself and the vision you have for your business instead of just getting out there and getting started now.

In this blog post I share three low-risk ways to get started and begin living your passion, fulfilling your mission, and making a positive difference in the lives of others sooner rather than later.

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3 Markers of a Sustainable 5D Business

Currently we, as a global collective and planetary body, are transitioning from a 3D state of consciousness through the 4th dimension, into a 5th dimensional consciousness and way of being. Not only are we as individuals being called to embrace and step into these new frequencies and ways of operating, but our businesses are too. Every element of our business must be firmly based in 5D consciousness if it is to go the distance. Anything that is not simply won't survive for long.

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How and why you need to use your intuition in business

To be a successful entrepreneur, we need both the heart and the mind. We need the knowledge and analytics of the physical that tell us what is and what we are working with now, as well as the intuitive, Soul based connection that guides us into new horizons far beyond what the mind has yet seen. We can’t have one without the other.

In this blog post I share three ways in which you can use your intuition to give yourself an edge in business. Combine this with a solid, on-the-ground connection to basic business principles and know how, and you’ll be flying in no time.

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3 Ways to Attract Ideal Clients Online

When you know what makes you unique, and you leverage that online, your Soul Mate clients will be sold on you and your ethos, well before they ever meet you or go to buy your offer. In this article I share three ways to easily and uniquely identify yourself in the marketplace so you can magnetize your message online and attract the Soul Mate clients that will grow your spiritual business with ease.

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Key trends to keep in mind when building a spiritual business in 2022

As we move deeper into the Aquarian age, new trends are beginning to emerge within the business arena. These trends will be with us through 2022 and beyond. In this article I share three trends I am personally feeling very excited about and have begun implementing in my own business. Plus I share three practical tips and solutions for how you can begin integrating each of them into your business, too.

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