2 Energetic Trends to watch for in 2023 and beyond.

We are influenced by our surroundings as much as we influence them, if not more so. This includes the planetary systems in our skies.

Recently Pluto, the planet of transformation, death and rebirth, has moved into Aquarius* having spent the last 14 years in Capricorn. And later this year, in July, the lunar nodes will shift signs from the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, to Aries and Libra.

Whether you understand Astrology or not, the interconnection we have with all life means these shifts will have an impact on your life - they impact all of us - and in turn how you choose to show up in your life and business.

In this article, I take a look at two key energetic trends to keep an eye out for, along with an exploration of how each may look as it flows into form and takes shape in our personal and business lives.

Trend One: Transparency and authentic connection

Aquarius rules science, technology, humanitarian ideals, communities and natural gravitation we feel toward people with similar interests to us. Its polarity is the heart-centred energy of Leo, which supports us to live in accordance with our hearts truth and authentic expression and attract the right-fit communities to us.

With Pluto moving through Aquarius we will be exploring themes around power, particularly when it comes to technology and the online space, and within our communities. Pluto strips away all that is no longer organic, and with this transit will be asking us strip away the masks, to be real and transparent, and allow our hearts to truly shine.

As a leader, it is your job to radiate your heart's energy, so your authentic heart-felt tribe can find you. At the same time, you must allow yourself to be guided and gravitate toward those communities that are supportive and nourishing to you.

Are there any networks or communities - in person or online - that no longer feel true and authentic for you, or you don’t feel fully seen and expressed? If so, what are not yet fully admitting to yourself or others? What do you need to embrace so you can come out of hiding and experience the connection you’ve been longing for? Give yourself permission to speak up and honour what is right for you so you can be seen and liberated into the truest version of you.

Alongside the calling of the heart to authentic community, Pluto in Aquarius asks us to take a look at our relationship with technology itself to ensure we’re interacting from a heart-centred place. Perhaps we will remember that the virtual world, which became such a necessity in the years of pandemic, is not the only way of doing things.

Online has it's place, but it is not a complete substitute for the authentic in-person heart to heart connection we all need. Coming back into balance may call for a shift back toward the value of grassroots community, and building from the ground up.

And for those aspects of our lives (and businesses) that remain online, it’ll be the new heart-centred systems and platforms, focused on serving people first, which will thrive.

How this might show up in practice:

  1. From online to in-person. Within this energetic lies the potential to come back to the value of meeting and connecting with each other in-person. Have you been feeling called to create community and networks, or develop connections in your local area? Is there a workshop you've been wanting to host? If so, now is the time to answer the call.

    Connecting in person is often less threatening than showing up online, and a powerful way of developing the confidence, courage and basic foundations you need to effectively build your business. The seeds you sow here, in in-person community - and wisdom you receive from connections made - may just be the magic that eventually gives rise to your core business.

2. Prioritise connection. Have you become so caught up in the systems, admin, and mechanics of your business that you've lost connection to your 'Why'?

Developing a web of friends, coaches, mentors, like-minded community, and support staff is an important part of building your network and ensuring you never feel alone in what you do. Staying connected to a community of support, both online and offline, will support you to stay on track with your heart’s truth and the initiatives that matter most to you.

Be sure to take at least one bold, heart-centred step (such as showing up online, sharing your heartfelt message, connecting into your heart with ritual, or reaching out to a client or mentor you love) each and every day, and look for ways to delegate or simplify the dry, boring tasks that sap you of your joy. Minimising time spent on repetitive, system-focused tasks will help you stay lit up and focused on what it is you truly love to do.

3. Unplug to plug in. How connected do you feel, as a whole and grounded human being, to the Earth and to nature? As a visionary individual with a plethora of new ideas, insights, inspiration and advanced perspectives you are itching to bring to Earth, it is important you take time to ground them into reality first. Your human body is the conduit between Earth and Sky, the highway that allows these new ideas and consciousnesses to channel into form.

While social media and the online world are one way of expressing your ideas and inspirations, it isn’t the source of them - you are. The more connected you are to your human body, the more you will open this highway to flow.

Closing down the laptop, turning off social media, and stepping out into nature where you can connect with the frequency of the Earth and the presence of your physical body is absolutely key to this process.

When you clear your field by stepping away from technology and attune yourself to the frequency of nature, you open yourself up body, heart, mind and spirit to receive the advanced downloads and inspiration that will one day form the basis of a whole new world.

Trend Two: Breaking away from the crowd

The second trend is a shift away from the one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter systems that have kept us “in check” and on track, toward greater individuation and confidence in ourselves and our unique direction as individuals. This trend activates on 17 July when the North Node moves into Aries and lasts for about 18 months.

Aries is all about doing things our own way and forging a new path forward. However, this level of individuation can only occur if we simultaneously resolve the old ways in which we have preferred to blend into the crowd, quietened ourselves down to keep the peace, and may not always have listened to or trusted our instincts about what is truly right for us.

For our unique voices and authentic inner direction to rise up, the prevailing cultural narrative of quick fix step-by-step processes promising a guaranteed route to success, must die away. This does not mean doing away with your own or others' processes altogether, it just means making sure they are open and flexible enough to address and meet the needs of the person or circumstances in front of them.

While many step-by-step processes do serve an important role in helping to break down complex concepts and key steps along the way, they become problematic when they do not meet the needs of the individual where they are, or they are touted as the one “right” way to achieve a desired outcome. When this happens they can be limiting or even harmful to the individual, or don’t allow us the opportunity to move beyond our current frame of possibility into the realm of infinite potential.

We are being invited with this transit to trust our inner knowing and the “I am that I am” within us, so we can find our own way - while helping our clients to do the same.

How this trend might show up in practice:

  1. Practices and processes. How much do the processes you facilitate with your clients open space for their inner knowing, personal experience, and unique perspective to come forth? How much are you allowing for their own voice to be heard, not just yours? See if you can structure your exercises and teachings to allow for your clients to have their own direct experience. This can look as simple as integrating open-ended questions, journal prompts that invite them to reflect on how what you are sharing is relevant to them, or asking for feedback and reflections as you go.

  2. Speaking your truth. Is there something that you’ve been holding back on speaking because you're afraid of upsetting the status quo? Libra tries to maintain peace, whereas the new energies in Aries will be asking us to boldly step forward and speak our truth. Speaking up about what is really for you as an individual helps to set you apart from the crowd and showcase your unique gifts and perspective. What are the bold new ideas or edgy takes on a well-known topic you’ve been longing to speak up about? What is the unique approach you take with your work, but haven’t yet been brave enough to share? Identify the new direction that is wanting to come through you, and find the courage to speak up and speak out, so you can be known as a leader of the new way.

  3. Put yourself first. It’s a common misconception for many people that putting themselves first is selfish. The truth is we need to take care of our own needs first; it’s only from the overflow of our own cup that we are able to authentically serve and give to the people around us. If there is anywhere in your business where your energy has been feeling low, or you’ve been sacrificing your own needs and happiness to show up for your clients and community, now is the time to cut those habits loose.

You do not need to tolerate anything or anyone just to make money. To make sure you are truly on track with your individual needs, I recommend taking a regular inventory of your business. Scan your mind through all your offers, price points, clients, timeframes, schedules, content and commitments to be sure every element is lighting you up, and you are 100% all in. If anything feels a little heavy, lacklustre, or out of sync, put yourself first and commit to working it out until it feels good to you before going any further.

This doesn't necessarily mean you'll let go of the factor in question, but an important tweak may need to be made so you can truly serve from an overflowing cup. For a list of questions to assess how aligned your offers are, click through to read the article “Three low-risk ways to get your offers out and start building now.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of possibilities. It barely scratches the surface of what might become possible for us as we work with these energies, but it is a gentle pointer toward just some of the themes we may encounter during these transits.

As Pluto and the Lunar Nodes shift signs, take this opportunity to see if you, and any aspect of your wider leadership, is being invited to shift as well. Regardless of the transit, the best rule for navigating any change is simply to stay true to your authentic self as it emerges in the moment. Serving from the voice of the heart will always lead to greater joy, harmony, and success in all areas of life.

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*It’s just a brief three month touch in for now, before he regresses back into Capricorn later this year. He settles back into Aquarius for the long haul, early next year.