4 Steps for Attracting your most aligned, best-fit client base

There are many factors that make up a satisfied client base, part of which begins with attracting the 'right' or most aligned clients for you from the outset. These clients are the ones you are most able to impact in a positive way with your unique skill set of gifts, talent, experience, and expertise.

First, let's be clear—You are not here to serve everyone.

You are here to serve a specific sub-sector of humankind where your gifts, talents, wisdom and experience are the best match for the specific needs and desires of any given group or individual at that particular point in time. When these two factors align, your natural gifts and talents are able to have the most impact and benefit, with the least amount of trying and effort on your part, creating a win-win scenario for all.

As tempting as it is to appeal to everyone, doing so at the expense of your truth and joy is not a long-term strategy for success.

For many early-stage entrepreneurs, and particularly those in the helping professions, it is easy to make the mistake of trying to help everyone. However, this generally does not result in the satisfied client base that raves about their experience to others, refers their friends and family to you, and sends glowing testimonials by the dozen. For this to happen you need to ensure you are attaching the clients you are best positioned and well-equipped to serve in the first place - not just anyone.

Whilst trying to help anyone and everyone is likely to result in some impact, it may be at the expense of you and certainly won’t be to the degree of impact it could be. When working with your ideal client, or as I like to say—Soul Mate client—there is a divine orchestration of energy coming together for the highest and best good of all.

There are a series of skills and best practices that must be considered and integrated into your business model and service delivery to ensure a positive client experience once they are through the door. However, the first step, of course, is attracting them to you in the first place.

Here are four ways that you can set yourself up to attract the most aligned clients for you:

1. Clarify who this person is

First of all, you need to know who this person is and what area of their life, specifically, they are seeking support with. In a best-fit client match, this will be aligned with your unique area of expertise and experience, and the area of life that you are best able to support and assist them with.

Ask yourself—What specific challenges or struggles are they currently facing? What is it they are longing and hoping for and want to achieve in their lives? What things have they already tried that have not worked? Are there any demographic factors that come into play?

These questions, combined with some brief market research to fill in any blanks, will help you to form a very clear understanding of who your archetypal ideal client is. Once you have this, you can begin creating your content and services with them in mind.

2. Deliver what it is they need

Create an offering with your best fit client and their ideal outcome in mind. An offering that helps to achieve a specific result or outcome in someone’s life will not only sell more easily, but the co-creation of a real and specific change in someone’s daily life and experience of themselves, is what leads to true satisfaction and leaves a lasting impression.

The more aligned your offer is to the exact needs and desires of your ideal client, the more likely it is that they will decide to work with you. To do this, start with a clear idea of what it is they want to change and transform, and combine this with your unique skills and area of expertise to develop a clear pathway supporting them to achieve this goal.

For best results, make sure your offering is targeted at a specific stage of your client's journey. Just like you are not here to serve everyone, so is your offering not here to solve their entire journey at once. The more specific and focused you can be, the better.

This will also enable you to carefully vet exactly what it is you include in your offering, once your client is through the door. It is important to ensure you are not overloading or overwhelming your clients, setting unrealistic expectations, or in the case of a program, creating ‘course fatigue,’ where they give up long before achieving their desired results.

3. Speak directly to them

Now that you have a clear idea of who this person is, along with a means to serve them, it's time to communicate what it is you ‘do’ and how you can help. To penetrate the market, you need to be very clear and specific in the frequency you are emitting. Say what you mean and say it without apology.

Keeping your specific ideal client in mind in all your messages, as though you are speaking directly to them and only them, will give your message the oomph it needs to translate into real connections. As scary as it may sound, repelling those who are not a good fit for you is generally a sign that you are coming into greater alignment with those who are a fit for you. At the end of the day, your message is not meant to appeal to everyone, only those who resonate.

Share your knowledge, your insights, your own personal experiences, and your wins. Be authentic and human. The more you do this consistently over a period of time, the more you will build the sort of trust and rapport that results in sales.

4. Own your worth

Set clear standards and boundaries around who you will and will not work with. Be discerning, and do not compromise on your values just to get a quick buck or because you feel sorry for someone.

For example, if commitment is important to you, you want to be sure someone is displaying this quality before taking them on as a client. If they show up late or not at all, this can be a sign they might not be the best fit. Saying ‘no’ to a potential client who does not feel right to you—even if they ‘look good’ on paper—liberates your time and energy to receive your true Soul Mate clients.

There is nothing that says you must sacrifice your joy or happiness in order to ‘be of service.’ To truly be of service, the exchange must entail a 100 percent yes from both parties—you included.

There are many factors that can lead to a lack of clarity and boundaries around who one is willing and able to work with. One of these is the victim-perpetrator-rescuer triangle, which, although a potentially powerful learning experience, is not the best dynamic for clients achieving aligned results and sustainable outcomes

Being astute around your reasons for taking on—or not taking on—clients and doing the inner work to dissolve any samskaras (distorted energies) around this is key to raising your vibration into alignment with the clients that are the best for you.

So there you have it, four steps to aligning yourself with the frequency of your dream clients, which when activated, will propel you into even greater alignment, satisfaction, and impact in your business with less trying and effort on your part.

If you are looking to begin or refine your Soul business in alignment with the highest good, my new Business Basics series begins next week.

This container is the perfect starter kit for Lightworkers wanting to step into service via their Soul business. We will clarify your vision and fill in the blanks to reveal a clear and aligned path forward.

The second 'episode' starts 23 July 2022, so if you can, you'll want to be in well before then.

For more information or to register, please click here.

For a full breakdown of the modules, click here.

Got questions or wondering if this opportunity is right for you? Message me now.