3 Markers of a Sustainable 5D Business

We, as a global collective and planetary body, are currently transitioning from a 3D state of consciousness through the 4th dimension, into a 5th dimensional consciousness and way of being. Not only are we as individuals being called to embrace and step into these new frequencies and ways of operating, but our businesses are too.

The 5th dimension is an energy frequency rooted in the co-creative principles of love, peace, harmony, creativity, prosperity, and abundance. In the 5th dimension, there is no fear, lack, or separation.

As we move into a 5th dimensional frequency range, developing and running a business that is build upon these principles is becoming essential to it’s ongoing relevance and sustainability. And if you’re reading this, the chances are good you are one of the forerunners called to anchor this new way of business on Earth. To stand the test of time, and lead with integrity, every element of our businesses must become firmly based in 5D consciousness.

To help you assess your business for longevity and relevance in the new age, here are three key indicators of a sustainable 5D business.

1. There is an equal balance of give and take

In the 5th dimension there is a reciprocal give and take. Each gives and receives as much as the other. Relationships are born of healthy interdependence rather than co-dependence or independence. The same goes for your business.

Just like any relationship, the relationship you have with your business must be equal in terms of give and take. Whilst your business is not you, it does act as a support system designed to ferry your goods, services, and gifts out into the world in a more expanded and amplified way, without you necessarily having to do any more work or heavy lifting. It is there to support you as much as you support it.

Understanding that your business is independent of you enables you to draw clear and healthy boundaries, and be less attached to its success or seeing it as a source of abundance. In truth, it is you that is the Source of abundance, your business simply reflects this degree of self-knowledge back to you. When you can make this distinction you will be able to give to your business unconditionally, automatically giving it space to grow and expand.

If you are not yet receiving as much as you would like from your business, or you feel constantly exhausted by it, this is showing you where your own energies are out of balance. It may be that you are needing to draw clearer boundaries between work and home, create more space for self-care, hire extra support, better manage your workflow, or raise your rates in order to restore balance.

As your business grows, you’ll constantly be making adjustments to your offerings, as well as the degree of support, balance, and abundance you require to go to your next level - and that’s okay. There is no right or wrong in this process, and experiencing a challenge is usually indicative of growth, rather than a backslide.

2. It’s a co-creation

One of the markers of the 5th dimension is that there is no separation. Rather, there is an interconnectedness with all lives. Therefore, there is no need to compete with anyone else in order to get ahead. Each individual knows that as they rise, so too do all other beings around them, and there is more than enough abundance and resources to go around.

A 5D business only ever creates win-win solutions. Not because it has to, but because it genuinely cares and creates from the interconnected place of the heart. It works for the betterment of the whole, serving the expansion of all who come into contact with it, without ever sacrificing itself or anyone else in it in the process. Any offer, action, adjustment, or personal exchange leaves everyone better off.

When you run a 5D business, you are genuinely there to serve your community, and they inspire you as much as you inspire them. There is a constant two-way conversation, that occurs as you work to understand where what you have to offer intersects with the needs of your community (not just what you think they want, need, or should have). You seek feedback on how you can improve, and sales are a conversation to assess suitability and fit on both parts, rather than being driven by any fixed agenda.

In this space of authentic co-creation, you know the benefit you desire to bring, and your offers are simply an invitation for others to invest in themselves. Moreover, your pricing will feel like a juicy, delicious, and abundant exchange because you know that when you win, everyone wins, and any form of self-sacrifice and undercharging only undermines the whole.

3. It brings new ideas, consciousness and creativity to the world

A 5D business is creatively contributing to the world in a way that has not been seen before. Its offerings, whether they be product- or service- based, bring new creativity, thoughts, ideas, and inspiration to the people of the world. These offerings open up new horizons of possibility in the way we live, act, and exist as individuals and as humanity.

The 5th dimension is concerned with growth and expansion, which means that any business operating at this level is contributing by bringing forth new ideas and advancing the paradigm in its field of expertise.

And it does not matter in what field this occurs. A good haircut can be just as transformational and inspirational as a healing experience or new technology. It is more about thinking outside of the box and finding new win-win solutions for the problems we face as individuals, groups, or the collective whole.

Therefore, 5D businesses can contribute in any number of ways, including the transmission of healing frequencies such as love, peace, and abundance as we see happening in the coaching and personal development world, beautification through the creation of artwork or finely crafted items, the establishment of new technologies, techniques and processes, ecological improvements, community spaces and initiatives, nutritional or biological advancements, and so so much more.

As these offerings are brought forth to the collective, the consciousness available in the collective field expands and becomes even accessible on the physical place. No matter the what, it is the aligned, heartfelt intent that matters the most.

So there you have it: three ways to assess your business for 5D alignment, along with some tips on how you can bring yours up to par.

Remember, it is all a process, and there is no ultimate point of mastery to get to. Rather, your business will continually evolve as you grow and expand over time.

One of the benefits of a business run by the visionary individual is that it acts as a powerful ascension tool. Like everything in life, the relationship you have with your business is a reflection of your own consciousness and relationship with self. Anywhere that your business feels stuck, limited, lifeless, or lacking is a place you are being invited to to grow and expand personally so that you can operate from a 5D state and way of being on a more permanent basis.

When approached this way, your business can be used as a tool to rapidly accelerate your personal path of growth and ascension.

To assist you in your journey and to help bring any elements of your heart business that may be lacking up to par, my signature Business Anchoring process is designed to upgrade your personal consciousness and kickstart honest momentum in your business.

In this journey, you will be guided to meet the 'Soul' of your business so you can more effectively co-create your way forward, with minimal drama, effort, and road blocks.

Click here to find out more or book your session now.

Sessions are currently on special for $249 NZD until 2 June 2022 (save $84 NZD). Plus, when you book your session during the sale period, you will receive a bonus one-on-one follow-up call absolutely free.

*Ascension is expansion into a higher level frequency and level of consciousness. It includes the whole body, mind, heart, and spirit, and is about expanding outwards and down into the Earth as much as it is upwards.