How and why you need to use your intuition in business

There is a new brand of business emerging. One that is based on harmony and balance, an equal give and take between all things, and that benefits all involved.

To be a successful entrepreneur, we need both the heart and the mind. We need the knowledge and analytics of the physical that tell us what is and what we are working with now, as well as the intuitive, Soul based connection that guides us into new horizons far beyond what the mind has yet seen. We can’t have one without the other.

In this blog post I share three ways in which you can use your intuition to give yourself an edge in business. Combine this with a solid, on-the-ground connection to basic business principles and know how, and you’ll be flying in no time.

1. Creating new movements

Often the most successful businesses are those with a unique idea, product or service, and that set themselves apart from the crowd in some way or another. They are the ones that are prepared to try something new and do things a little (or a lot) differently to the masses.

If you want to build a successful service-based business and attract your unique community, you need to be prepared to break away from mainstream thinking and do things differently - even when no one else has told you what to do or validated your ideas. This is especially important if you consider yourself to be a change-making leader, pioneering visionary, or someone who is here to bring new ideas, ways of thinking, and solutions to the people of the planet.

Many of my clients come to me with fears and hesitations in their mind as they prepare to take themselves in a new direction or breakaway from the mainstream industries or communities they have been part of. It may be that they don’t feel comfortable with the common line of approach in their industry, don’t like the direction a new movement is heading in, or have seen a new way of doing things they would like to explore.

One of the common fears and misconceptions that comes up when someone hits this point is that they are being judgmental or need to “need to overcome” more of their personal resistance before they can move forth.

I don’t see it this way. Instead, what we often find when we delve into this is not that they are in judgment or that the other community or industry is doing something wrong, but that my client, the leader, the visionary who is here to build a business that takes things in a new direction on Earth is picking up on some sort of subtle cue or discernment. They are being called to evolve the existing paradigm by doing things differently and delivering a new solution or perspective to life on Earth.

Until they recognize and validate this subtle inner knowing and decide to do things differently, they remain stuck. Validating these feelings and instincts, asking questions and beginning to test new ideas and potentials contained within them are some of the first steps to uncovering the wisdom contained within your experience and breaking through into the new horizons you are here to lead humanity into as a visionary, pioneering leader.

More often than not, a feeling of discomfort with what is or your hunch that things are not quite right as they are, can be a sign that there is something new wanting to come forth from within. If you don’t listen to these cues first, no one else will.

You can ask: What is the deeper truth that is wanting to be revealed? What more might be available under the surface of what appears to be? If I were to validate what I really think, what would that look like? Perhaps there is a new idea, a new way of thinking or a new solution contained within your experience of resistance.

Usually what we find is some deeper truth or revelation that has been wanting to come forth, which then forms the foundation of the unique thinking or pioneering way that the individual brings forth for their community and the people of the Earth.

When you build your business on this deeper instinctive knowing and pioneering mind, there will be no-one else and no other service, quite like you. And that is a powerful place to be.

2. Making decisions

Your business is an ever-evolving entity. It is going to be constantly changing, growing, and adapting to suit the needs of yourself, your community and the world around you. This means that there are an infinite number of decisions that need to be made about the way you invest your time, money and resources as the path progresses.

The smarter and more intuitive you can be in your decision-making and how you wield your resources - which include your time, money and energy - the greater your return on investment is likely to be. It may be that you are needing to choose how and where to invest your funds, which coach, trainer or healing modality will best support your professional development, or how to best direct your time, energy and priorities in any one moment.

Other decisions the entrepreneur must make on a daily basis could include whether to reach out to the person who really caught your eye at a networking event, whether or not to go ahead with a proposed collaboration, or which potential employee or assistant to hire.

I remember when I hired my very first virtual assistant on Upwork, a huge number of responses flooded in, some with a very impressive array of expertise. The job itself was actually very simple, and there was one particular application that caught my eye straight away. Whilst she did not have a lot of experience or expertise behind her, she had read the brief and I had a very good vibe about her.

I could have spent hours reading through and vetting the many applications on hand (and yes, I do advocate for this too, especially when there is more at risk or a greater financial investment being made), but in this case my intuition already knew what the best option was. There was no point beating around the bush wasting time and energy.

Needless to day, I ended up taking her on as a trial initially and we worked easily together for over a year, until the task itself had run its course. That was nearly a year ago now and we are still in touch to this very day. It was a great intuitive move that freed up a lot of time and energy for me in my business.

3. Crafting your strategy

There are a million and one ways you can design your business and marketing strategies to reflect your unique way of working and sharing yourself with the world. Whilst there are a core set of energetic principles that underpin any successful strategy, how that strategy looks and plays out on the surface is as infinite and varied as there are people in the world.

It is no longer enough to follow a “tried and true” step-by-step process that has worked for someone else, but may not work for you. You are as unique as the person next to you and your strategy must be too.

Your coach, business mentor, and marketing manuals such as books, masterclasses or online programs, can provide key information and useful pointers for crafting an effective strategy and picking up on any tweaks that may need to be made. Ultimately, however, it is you who needs to discern and choose exactly what the right strategy for you is going to be. And that comes down to your intuition and having a deep connection to yourself, your business and your community.

For years I pushed ahead with an Instagram strategy to grow my business, because this is what my coach had taught me, and I didn’t know any other way. Despite hours and hours of input every week for several years, my account never hit more than 1K followers. And, I found the whole thing quite stressful. It was not an enjoyable experience.

Eventually, I realized that this was not a strategy that was in alignment for me and my energy, so I decided to let it go. In the months that followed huge space opened up and I was able to craft a new strategy based around speaking, writing blogs and growing my on-the-ground network. This feels amazing for me, and the shift has paid off as my business is now doing better than ever before.

If there is any part of your current strategy or the way you are operating that does not feel quite right and clear and true for you, then that needs to be questioned. This is your intuition working and clearing the path for you.

So there you have it - three ways in which you can use your intuition to create success and use your time, energy and resources wisely, while paving the way forward for your clients, community and the future of humanity.

I would love to know - How have you used your intuition in your business? And how has that paid off for you? Let us know in the comments below.

And if you need a little help with the business side of things in combination with your intuition, my new program Prepare to Launch walks you through all the essential steps you need in place to build a thriving business.

Find out more here.